Wednesday 21 November 2007

Story starter at Write Away

A little while back, I was asked by the lovely people at that wonderful children's literature website, Write Away, , to write a Story Starter for them, on the subject of dreams and how they can inspire stories. That was of course because of how the Thomas Trew series started, in a particularly intriguing dream I had, which I wrote about in one of my first entries on this blog. The 'story starters' are excellent features of the Write Away site, and are used by individuals and groups as inspirational and fun exercises to help kickstart stories. They've been written by all kinds of terrific writers. I'm honoured to be in such company!

Now my story starter on dreams and how to use them to inspire your own stories is up at the Write Away site. You can read and download it for free! Go to the Write Away site, click on the Story Starters button in the main menu on the left, and then on to 'Dream On,' my story starter. Have fun!