Monday, 21 January 2008

New video on You Tube channel

I've just made and uploaded a short(4 min) talk about writing my graphic novel, The Secret Army: Operation Loki. It's an exciting adventure set in the 1930's, and was published in Australia by ABC Books in 2006. It was highly praised by none other than Anthony Horowitz!

Go and have a peek at how it all came together, with me, the artist Anthony Davis, the designer and the publisher:

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Writer Unboxed

I've been asked to be a contributor at the great genre writing blog, Writer Unboxed, and my introductory interview is up there right now. My first post will be up there on Wednesday. Go and have a look!

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

The Island of Ghosts..

Just got my advance copy of the sixth and final Thomas Trew book--Thomas Trew and the Island of Ghosts. It's one of the scariest of the Thomas adventures--he even meets Mr D, the lord of death..
The book looks great, and there's a great endorsement on the cover by a reader: she gives it six shiny stars out of five! You can't ask better than that, can you!
The book will be out in the UK on January 17. In Australia, the last three books--Selkie's Curse, Flying Huntsman and Island of Ghosts--are all coming out together, in March. Watch for them at your local bookshop!